How Do I Cultivate a More Loving Relationship With My Mother-in-Law?

Exploring dynamics between a daughter- and mother-in-law is more or less a daunting task. This duo is known to always have a beef with each other, especially if boys, sons, and husbands are involved. Horror stories about MILs abound marriages, but this doesn’t mean restoring relationships should be put to the side.  

So whether your MIL is scary or not, it’s high time to hear some women out and see how you can bridge the gap between you and her. Sometimes, there is more to her than meets the eye. Remember: she is part of your and your partner’s life, so try to cultivate your relationship to the best of your capacity. 

How do some daughters-in-law do it? Here are real stories of, and tips for dealing with, mother-in-law mishaps!

How Do I Cultivate a More Loving Relationship With My Mother-in-Law?

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I Had My Child at 35 and I Don’t Regret It

I found myself pregnant in my mid-thirties, a years into marriage, right at the beginning of the pandemic. At 35, I was considered a high-risk case due to my “advanced maternal age,” history of miscarriage, and bicornuate uterus (which carried the risk of pre-term labor, premature birth, and other complications). At this point, my pregnancy was already considered “geriatric.”

While I know that I am in the company of many more women in my generation who are delaying pregnancy and choosing to have kids much later, I am sometimes caught up with worries that are unique to being an “older” mom. What if I don’t live to see my son getting married and having his own kids? What if I’m not able to work long enough to cover my son’s college tuition fees? What if my strength struggles to keep up with the demanding pace of parenthood?

If you’ve asked these questions yourself, here are a few things I tell myself when plagued with these anxieties.

I Had My Child at 35 and I Don't Regret It

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Climb, Create, Stargaze: Unconventional Valentine’s Date Ideas You Should Try!

Sit-down dinner dates with your spouse is always a go-to on Valentine’s Day for its classic and romantic feel. But you can always try other ways to speak your love. Choosing the road less taken on love month may be a route you want to explore, as it will surely add spark and color to your relationship, and a new story to share with family and friends!

So prepare your for a dress-down date and try these Valentine’s date ideas for a change!

Climb, Create, Stargaze: Unconventional Valentine's Date Ideas You Should Try!

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How Much Does It Really Cost to Give Birth? Real Moms Reveal Their Hospital Bills!

They say knowing your opponent is half the battle won. This is true in the financial aspect of labor and delivery in the Philippines, which may be extremely expensive at the present time.

The actual amount varies greatly, and is dependent on factors such as location, hospital, and type of delivery. But these only belong to the tip of the iceberg. There are so much more to consider when preparing for the cost of childbirth. So to paint a picture of what your hospital bill may look like, expecting mom, here are six different first-time moms’ birth stories – yes, with a hospital bill reveal for each!

How Much Does It Really Cost to Give Birth? Real Moms Reveal Their Hospital Bills!

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