One Year and Counting: These Moms Share About Their Extended Breastfeeding Journey

Every breastfeeding mom must have experienced backache, engorged breasts, sore nipples, or all of these. Despite these difficulties, moms power through their breastfeeding journey for the benefit of their children.

I remember the time when my nipples blistered a few days into breastfeeding. My hungry little one would latch without a clue that I am clenching my fist, biting my lip, fighting the urge to scream, and crying due to pain. Back then, I thought about how other moms survive breastfeeding for a long time.

To reach a year in breastfeeding is a feat in itself. Many moms would consider this the finish line; however, many would continue beyond the one-year mark. If you’re at a crossroads in thinking about whether to continue breastfeeding after one year, allow the stories of these three moms to shed light on your journey. Read on.

One Year and Counting: These Moms Share About Their Extended Breastfeeding Journey

Mommy Aara, Breastfeeding mom to son Owen for 3 years and counting

During her pregnancy, Mommy Aara and her husband agreed that their son Owen will be exclusively breastfed. It was easier said than done most especially for the first few months because she had to do it while recovering from a C-section delivery. “Everything hurts in my body. I only get 1-2 hours of sleep. I feel very exhausted,” Mommy Aara shares.

Her challenges continued up to a year. “There are times that I could not do some household chores because of my son’s feeding demands. Since I also work, my heart aches whenever I need to leave him and go to the office.”

Even with these challenges, Mommy Aara is thankful that she did not experience having a low milk supply. To boost her milk, she makes sure that she eats healthy, and malunggay tops her list of food to eat. She believes that her milk supply gives her child the nutrients he needs. “Those pains and sleepless nights were very fulfilling because I can see my son growing up very healthy and smart. The smile on his face and the glow in his eyes while I am nursing him bring happiness to me.”

One of the reasons why Mommy Aara decided to breastfeed after a year, aside from being able to save money from buying formula milk, is to create a deeper bond with her son. “Since I am also working, breastfeeding him is the precious moment we can have once I get home from work. It’s my way of comforting him from being away for several hours. I also learned that breastfeeding has health benefits for the mother, too!” she explains.


Mommy Lala, Breastfeeding mom do daughter Lavinne Katriel for 4 years and counting

It is difficult to decide to breastfeed in a family where breastfeeding is an unpopular option. This is the case for Mommy Lala. Her confidence to breastfeed came from her own research, her effort to read successful breastfeeding stories, and her persistence to attend breastfeeding seminars.

Mommy Lala didn’t have breastmilk until 2-3 days after giving birth. The hospital can only offer one last bag of donor breastmilk. “My in-laws also offered to buy formula milk for our baby, but my husband and I stuck with our decision to fully breastfeed Lavinne, and we’re so happy with our decision,” she shares.

For the first few months, Lavinne had to “unli-latch” to stabilize Mommy Lala’s supply. Three to four liters of water are Mommy Lala’s best friends to keep her supply. She also makes it a point to keep herself happy because according to her, stress really affects her milk supply.

Despite setbacks, Mommy Lala shares that breastfeeding allowed her to create an “irreplaceable bond” with her daughter. In her journey, she also learned that breastfeeding is moms’ choice to “sacrifice their body, time, and effort to make breastfeeding successful.” For her, breastfeeding “takes a lot of willpower. Whether direct latch or pumping, breastmilk is liquid gold that persistent moms produce for the better health of their children.”

Mommy Lala also gives credit to her husband for her support in all her years of breastfeeding. “People can say things to me, but as long as my husband believes in me, supports me, and gives me the best care, I can do everything that’s best for our child.” They initially planned to stop breastfeeding when Lavinne turns one, but the pandemic happened and “Lavinne’s pedia advised to extend my breastfeeding if possible so there’s an added protection for Lavinne against Covid,” she explains.

“God is so amazing in how He created the mammary glands to provide the best milk for babies. It’s such a wonder to see God’s wisdom in creation,” she concludes.


Mommy Kate, Breastfeeding mom to son Kristoff for more than 2 years, then to daughter Khloe for 3 years and counting

“I have been breastfeeding for almost 6 years now. I breastfed my firstborn son Kristoff for 2 years and 8
months, and I’m still breastfeeding my daughter Khloe who is now 3 years and 2 months old.”

Mommy Kate decided to breastfeed her kids for more than a year because according to her, as long as she has the breastmilk to provide her kids and they are still enjoying their breastfeeding time, she will just continue “until they will be the one to say no to it.” In fact, her eldest Kristoff weaned on his own.

Breastfeeding for six years is not a walk in the park. Mommy Kate experienced difficulties such as extreme pain due to breast engorgement and sore nipples. Because of these, her baby would not want to latch. When her kids’ grew their teeth, they figured out how to bite her nipples and even pull them up. “They sometimes play with it and treat it like gum they can chew on, so basically my breast is not in good shape and size anymore like it used to be,” she shares.

Her low milk supply comes from stress and lack of sleep. She counters it by “taking vitamins and malunggay capsules, continuing to breastfeed, and avoiding stress if possible.” She would also eat healthy and delicious food and would indulge in her cravings once in a while.

“Breastfeeding taught me to be more patient and selfless. At some point, I felt like I’m tied to my baby and that I cannot do many things right away because I cannot leave my baby easily, especially in the first year of breastfeeding. However, I learned that even if I feel inconvenienced, I should really look after their own interests above mine. I know that this journey of breastfeeding is not forever and so I have to give my precious time to them while they still depend on me for milk and pleasure,” Mommy Kate closes.

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