Teaching Reading to Toddlers is Not as Daunting Anymore, Thanks to Ms. Rachel

Teaching reading is a complex process that can be daunting for parents and teachers alike.

But when you have a strong support from your toddler’s beloved Youtube teacher Ms. Rachel, who recently announced that she authored her first picture book Ms. Rachel and the Special Surprise, it can be really fun and exciting!

Since the book’s release is not until September 2024, it’s best to use the waiting time to prepare your toddlers to interact well with the printed material.

Whether you’re a long-time or a fairly new Ms. Rachel parent, here’s how you can usher your kids to loving and appreciating reading more – the Ms. Rachel way!

Teaching Reading to Toddlers is Not as Daunting Anymore, Thanks to Ms. Rachel

Use screen time strategically.

In teaching toddlers to read, screen time can be a friend when used strategically.

You can start with allowing your toddlers to watch Ms. Rachel’s 35-minute Youtube video entitled Learn to Read with Ms. Rachel. It’s where she introduced the building blocks of reading and guided kids in reading one monosyllabic word. In just almost two weeks since its upload, the video already garnered 25 million views, a proof of its educational and entertainment value.

One of the stars of the show is the Phonics Song she and her husband, Mr. Aron, worked on together!

Help your kids recognize letters and the sound each of them makes by playing the learning video or the song alone on their allotted screen time.

Sing and converse with your kids.

Screen time shouldn’t be the end-all and be-all of toddler learning.

When you sing with your kids and converse with them to process Ms. Rachel’s videos, the lessons become more real and relevant to them. They see the words and concepts from the screen come alive with their daily life and experiences!

In addition, you aid the integration of the reading process in their routine with the right and consistent support and follow up you provide offline.

They may not know this yet, but your kids are already in the beginning steps of reading just by enjoying Ms. Rachel’s Phonics Song with you!

Provide your kids with learning materials.

It’s true what educators say time and again – you touch the hearts of the kids first. Then, you teach.

This has been Ms. Rachel’s most powerful strategy, and the very reason why kids and adults all over the world love learning with her. No wonder the world’s abuzz with the coming of her book.

Since kids have already established a strong connection with their teacher, Ms. Rachel, and all the other characters in the show – Mr. Aron, Herbie, Tiny Tim, among others, it will become very exciting for them to encounter their beloved characters within Ms. Rachel’s 40-page book.

The good news is, you can apply this strategy too before you provide your kids with learning materials. This is important so skills like reading won’t feel forced. Sing songs, share stories, and laugh and giggle with your kids in between. Then, reiterate or emphasize lessons or skills.

If you still feel teaching reading is daunting, remember that time is also an ally. Take it at your own pace.

It’s also important to start as early as you can.

You may start now while you wait for Ms. Rachel and the Special Surprise.

Ms. Rachel and the Special Surprise book cover Photo courtesy of Penguin Random House


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