6 Practical Changes to Make to Be an Eco-conscious Mom

Practicing sustainability and caring for the environment are the ways we can protect our home, the Earth, especially for the future generation—your kids. Eco-conscious habits also set the stage for them to become environmental stewards when they grow up, Mom. Plus, taking steps, no matter how small, towards going minimal waste helps nurture both Mother Earth and our families! So, here are your first few steps to becoming Earth warriors as you welcome your little one into the world. Check out these tips on how to be an eco-conscious new mom!

6 Practical Changes to Make to be an Eco-Conscious Mom

Choose Organic Diapers over Disposable Diapers

Disposable diapers, especially those made of plastic, contribute to millions of landfill that take years to break down, so making the switch to organic diapers will help reduce our carbon footprint! Some moms have been making the switch to cloth diapers which are washable, while other moms prefer the convenient option of organic or bamboo diapers which are hypoallergenic and moisture-wicking. Check out brands like Eco Boom on Shopee or Enfant on edamama.ph. Not only will switching to organic diapers benefit the Earth, but these will be a healthier and gentler alternative for your baby as well.


Make Baby Food at Home
Time to invest in a good blender! Instead of buying pre-packaged baby food, whip up your own purée at home when your baby is ready to start eating solids. By making your baby’s food yourself, you also have control over what they eat. You’re now assured that preservatives or added ingredients are not going in their bowls. Endless healthy recipes are readily available online, so you can make purée out of various fruits and vegetables.


Buy Wooden Toys

Toys made out of wood are non-toxic, which make them much safer than plastic ones. Babies do tend to chew on their toys, so choosing wood may give you more peace of mind. For safety, be sure to buy wood toys that make use of natural stains or colors like non-toxic beeswax.


Shop for Clothes Made Out of Organic Materials
Shop around for clothes that are made from organic material such as 100% natural cotton, because these do not have harsh dyes or chemicals. Organic cotton is great for your baby’s health especially if he or she has sensitive skin. Apart from being a healthier alternative, organic cotton also helps maintain soil fertility, and has less of an impact on global warming. Brands like Yoji Wear carry basic and comfy clothing made purely from organic cotton.


Ask for Hand-Me Downs from Relatives or Close Friends

Don’t be shy to ask for help from your friends and family. They’d be happy to share baby items like feeding bottles or clothes that have been outgrown. We Filipinos don’t like letting good items go to waste especially if other people can still benefit from them. This is a great way to lessen your expenses and also save the planet!


Segregate and Recycle
Segregating and recycling are the simplest and most fundamental ways we can be eco-conscious. Start by properly segregating trash into bins. Prepare bins for glass like baby food jars, paper products, dirty diapers and wipes, and perishables. Items like toys, clothes, and baby bottles can be reused so you may want to consider keeping them if you’re planning on having more kids or maybe handing them down to a relative or friend with a child on the way. When the toys and clothes pile-up you can also opt to donate them to your local charities. Not only will you reduce waste and clutter in your home, you’ll also be helping others do the same.



1. KidsHealth. Raising Earth Friendly Kids.
2. Osmanski, Stephanie. Sustainable Babies 101: How to Stay Green as a New Parent. 2019.
3. Frank and Oak. The Pros and Cons of Organic Cotton.

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