Hey, It’s Twixmas: How to Make the Most of Your Time Between Christmas and New Year

There’s a weeklong period by the end of the calendar year when you literally don’t know what day or date it is. I’ve recently found out what it’s called: Twixmas!

The big parties and celebrations for Christmas may be over, but the New Year isn’t in a few days yet. Looking for meaningful activities you can do with the great in-between? Relax: here’s a list of 7 things you and your family can do!

Hey, It's Twixmas: How to Make the Most of Your Time Between Christmas and New Year

Sort holiday gifts.

Both your opened and unopened gifts may still be sitting under the tree, and Twixmas may just be the perfect time to sort them! Look for the expiry dates of the consumables you received, decide what to do with duplicates, save the reusable wrappings or paper bags, keep fragile items away from the little ones, and place the non-consumable items in their proper places.

This way, you’ll welcome the new year in a more organized fashion!

Start (and finish!) that pending home project.

Have you been putting off your pantry or library project for quite some time now? Well, you now have ample time to transform your nook into your dream specialty area! Take advantage of mall sales or finally do a furniture thrift shopping. You can actually start a DIY project. Just make sure to finish it to avoid cluttering your physical and mental space!

Accomplishing a small home project before the year ends may just be the boost you need to usher you to the new year!

Squeeze in one more out of town trip.

What’s good about the in-between of Christmas and New Year is that you can be spontaneous. You can book a trip anywhere you want since kids don’t have school. With the help of the internet and social media, check which roads have heavy traffic so you can avoid if possible. Here are some spots you can check out to make more memories with your family:


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Book a theater seat!

There’s nothing like the convenience of watching movies and shows at the comfort of your home, but since this is an activity you and your family can do anytime, make Twixmas more special by going out of the house and experiencing the theater! Marvel at the spectacle of the stage and the costumes of the characters, and immerse yourself in an experience that you and your family can talk about on days on end!

Open a bank account or begin an investment plan.

What does your child do with all the cash gifts he received this Christmas? Of course you give him options on how to spend it, but don’t forget to teach the value of saving or growing his money. If he doesn’t have a bank account yet, it’s time to bring him to the bank to open one. You can also begin an investment plan for his college education.

Leave this year with a plan for the future!

Iron out plans for the New Year.

Still thinking about your Media Noche spread or still undecided about where to spend January 1? You’ve got the time in your hands to research and weigh on what feels right for you and your family. If you haven’t yet, buy your matchy New Year outfits as soon as you can!

Lounge in your pajamas the whole day.

Well, there’s no office time to clock in, there’s no school, so what’s the hurry? Take time to just lounge and appreciate the day as it is. You don’t have to pack your days because this might be the longest vacation stretch you have. Rest, sleep, and enjoy your hot cup of coffee. The time and the weather calls for it anyway!

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