As the Yuletide season approaches, everyone starts to look forward to the holiday merriment gracing their homes and gatherings. But while many of us celebrate the arrival of our 13th month pay, bonuses, and aguinaldos, we also have to keep in mind that December is one of the most expensive months of the year. So for those of us hosting Christmas get-togethers, how can we trim down our party budget without taking away from the spirit of the holidays?
Here are a few things you can consider!
If you’ve suddenly realized that you’re sorely lacking in the tableware department and a huge group of family and friends are set to come over, don’t fret and go disposable! From elegant gold-lined options to classic holiday themes, you’ve got plenty to choose from.
Plus, they’re totally convenient for cleaning up! No more stacked dishes waiting to be washed in the sink.
If you and your family or friends want to go all-out on your holiday gatherings, it can be quite pricey (not to mention, time-consuming) to put together a list of suppliers who can cater to your celebration. Why not choose a venue that has most of your basics covered?
For instance, I recently came across a self-portrait studio that has its own mini-event area/cafeteria! We were able to gather as a group of almost 25 people; and we only had to split one major payment, which already covered the event space, simple decor, food, and photography coverage! How’s that for a sweet deal?
If you’re hosting a gathering at home, it’s so tempting to splurge on new holiday decor. That’s a sizeable expense, especially if there’s a drastic change in theme!
Get creative and find a way to revive some of your older holiday decor, which could probably use some TLC anyway. If you really have (or want) a new look for your party, consider selling your old decor to support your budget or repurposing it – perhaps using some of it to create custom gift wrapping.
We typically see people glammed up in sparkling holiday outfits, so why not do something a bit different and get totally comfy and cozy in outfits that you probably already own?
Instead of having you and your guests go on a potentially pricey scavenger hunt for new party clothes that have to fit a super-specific look, try a simple and easy-to-execute theme like coming in your comfiest pajamas or loungewear! Not only will your gathering stand out in photos, but it will also be easier to attend (some guests really do stress out about complicated themes or outfit requirements, and this can honestly sometimes be the cause of non-attendance!).
If the idea of organizing an enormous party to accommodate groups of guests coming from different locations is giving you (and your bank account) anxiety, why not try doing a live webcast of different parties happening in various places all at once?
Thanks to the pandemic, the idea of virtual and intimate celebrations is no longer unfamiliar to us. You can coordinate with groups of families and friends and get creative about it! Each group can be assigned a theme and be given free rein on their budget so no one is pressured to shell out an amount bigger than what they’re capable of giving. Then, on the day of, set up your live cast well and enjoy the festivities together – all from the comfort of home.
Now this is quite a radical concept since Christmas is associated with gift-giving. But think with me for a second or two. Is gift-giving really what makes a holiday gathering special?
We tried doing this a couple of Christmases ago, and it was just refreshing not to feel pressured to check off a shopping list in time for a big party. Everyone just enjoyed the company of the people they loved, and that was really enough. Christmas is all about presence – so why not let your presence be the present this year?