Here’s How to Get Kids to Eat Breakfast

Kids wake up with so much excitement for the day for all sorts of reasons – the first day of school, presentation day, wear-your-costume day, a trip to the zoo, and even laidback weekends – that their excitement would overshadow their need to eat first thing in the morning!

I still remember how early mornings looked like when I was still in grade school. Our clock alarms at 5 AM so we could eat breakfast, take a bath, and prepare ourselves before our school service picks us up at home at 6 AM. In high school, our father personally took us to school, and we wouldn’t leave the house unless everybody has eaten breakfast. These years of discipline paid off when I was already on my own in college, and breakfast remained a non-negotiable!

The challenge is on me in a few years’ time when my daughter is already at her school age. How do we parents make sure our all-excited kids or non-early risers eat breakfast? Here are a few tips I took note from my parents growing up.

Make sure mornings are spent slowly.

The main reason why my brother and I need to be up at least an hour before the school service arrives is for us to have ample time to eat. In other words, this means no one nags, shouts, or reminds us from time to time to hurry or else we might be late, as this will also have damaging effects on us kids in the long run! Our mornings have always been smooth and slow, as a result of making sure assignments are all done, uniforms are ironed out, and things are prepared the previous day.

Plan a breakfast menu for the week with your kids.

If we need our children to feel positive about the things or activities we see important, we must make sure to involve them in all activities related to it, if possible. In this case, we can involve our kids in breakfast planning for the week during the weekends, so they can also have their input on what they want to see on their plates. It is also the perfect opportunity for us to educate our kids about which food is healthy for them or what can be a healthier alternative for their food preferences.

Catch them by surprise!

When breakfast is all planned for the week, kids might look forward for breakfast, or they might feel unexcited with the predictability. How do we break the monotony? Be creative! Maybe a surprise fresh fruit juice in a new glass or a bowl of colorful fruits will do the trick! We may also cut or shape their portions into fun-sized pieces, too! We can also write some words of encouragement on sticky notes and put them on their placemats, as a way to encourage them to eat their breakfast and to do well in school.

Remind your kids why it’s important.

My father used to say we won’t be able to think and focus at school if we don’t eat breakfast. I found this to be true as I grow older, more so when I became a teacher! These became the same things I tell my students. Participating in discussions, answering exercises, and just making it through from one subject to another without a grumbling stomach becomes difficult when the stomach is empty.

Eat breakfast with them.

There’s no better way to emphasize the importance of breakfast to your kids than to sit with them and enjoy your first meal of the day together! Avoid having them eat by themselves while they see you running around the house. If everyday breakfast with them is not possible due to your schedule, maybe a few weekdays and the weekend will do. Actions speak louder than words, and this is especially true for children whom we are teaching good habits we want them to carry until they are on their own.

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