Here’s How to Manage Your Electricity Bills During the Quarantine

Being in quarantine, this means a portion of our routines is also put on pause. Although it does come with upsides – such as being able to save gas and relatively spending less money – we are still doomed with a list of bills; electricity bills, most especially. Given the changing times, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know from tips on saving electricity and managing your bills during the enhanced community quarantine.

Here's How to Manage Your Electricity Bills During the Quarantine

Manage Your Electricity Consumption!

Make a schedule of activities.
Kids can easily get attached to their gadgets, so it’s best to limit their gadget time every day and alternate this with other offline activities like reading a good book or playing with their other toys. Not only can this help save electricity, but it will also increase productivity in your kids. It’s a win-win! Check out this list of quarantine activities you can try!

Stay in one air-conditioned room.
The heat can surely get unbearable, but we’re also aware of how much energy air conditioning takes up. If your home has multiple aircon units in different rooms, it’s really not practical to turn them all on at the same time. It’s best to just turn on one aircon unit in a big room where the whole family can stay to cool off. And it doesn’t have to last the whole day!

If your unit has a timer, utilize this so you don’t end up using the aircon for the whole day. If not, you can opt to turn on air conditioning around noon when it’s the hottest, and turn them off or put it on Fan Mode once the day gets cooler, usually around 4:30 or 5 pm.

Unplug devices and other appliances that are not in use.
Devices and other appliances that are plugged can still consume energy idly, even if they’re turned off or are not in use. Plug in appliances only when needed, like microwaves, oven toasters, induction cookers, electric fans, and even printers. At night, you can even unplug your TV before heading to bed.

Refrain from using your cellphone while charging.
Although it is still technically safe to use your phone or other devices while charging, it will certainly slow down your devices’ charging capacities thus consuming more energy in a longer period. It’s recommendable to wait for your device to be sufficiently charged before using them again. And don’t forget to unplug your chargers right after!

Switch to LED bulbs.
If you haven’t yet, it’s best to make the switch to LED bulbs now; they’re more energy-efficient, radiates lower heat, and have higher brightness and intensity compared to incandescent and fluorescent bulbs.

On that note, switch off lights when not in use!
Make sure to switch off your lights before heading out of your room, and most especially if you won’t be home for a long period of time.

Keep Your Bills in Check!

When will the meter reading resume?
Meter reading has resumed last May 6, 2020 for some residential customers. In other areas, the meter reading is still suspended in accordance with ECQ and GCQ guidelines. Rest assured that the field personnel follow safety protocols and are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

My meter is newly installed, what will be the basis of estimation?
The estimation will be based on the customer’s load, as reflected during the application. Adjustments will be made on the next meter reading.

How do we get our statement of account? Can it be emailed to us instead?
Yes! Your statement of account may be emailed to you. You just have to request for it through Meralco’s social media accounts, the Meralco Online app, for even by contacting them thru landline (16-211)

What is the current billing method and how will be we charged during the ECQ?
Meralco recently modified its billing methods aligned with the ECQ/GCQ. Billing will be estimated by a household’s average consumption for the past 3 months, and payment can be made through monthly installments. You can find more detailed information on Meralco’s FAQ Page.

Can we pay our bills online?
Although authorized Bayad Centers are still open and available for bills payment, you can surely pay your bills in the comfort of your own home. Bills can be paid online through GCash, PayMaya, and other major banks like BPI Online. Paying through Meralco Online is also an easy and no-fuss way of settling your bills; if you haven’t already, all you have to do is download the app and follow the enrollment instructions. Easy! You can also track your electricity consumption through the app, so real-time monitoring truly comes in handy.

If you have more concerns we weren’t able to address here, you may head to Meralco’s FAQ Page or reach out to them through their 24/7 Hotline (16-211).

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