One parenting trend we’re currently loving is monthly baby shoot photos. Not only is it amazing to look at, but it’s also a way to document and see just how big your baby has grown. And if you go on Pinterest and start searching for some ideas, you’ll see a ton of creative and unique ones that are just so cool! So if you’re looking for some cute inspiration for your child’s shoot, see our list of adorable ones that we’d love to see you guys try out!

Your baby shoots don’t need to be complicated, choosing one element like your favorite sweets, and rearranging them to form numbers is a brilliant idea Jenna Hanson came up with. Her daughter’s adorable outfit and the fluffy white background were also simple elements that added a whole ‘nother level of cute to this darling’s photo!

Speaking of food, here’s another one for the books from Dani Leigh Photography! It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that each slice represents each month of this little one’s birth date. I personally like how unique and clean the whole look is. And someone had to eat the pizza after the shoot, right? (*wink, wink*)

Take documenting your baby’s monthly milestones literally by inserting little details about them in your photos, just like Melissa Mincey did! You can do this via apps that you can find online, or if you’re Photoshop-savvy, why not give those photos a little editing magic? You can even include drawings and special effects too!

Here’s a simple yet adorable idea from Meg Perotti–lifting your baby! It might require a bit (or a lot!) of arm strength and muscles, depending on how many photos you’ll take, but hey, you can definitely ask for some help from daddy too, right? Fit your baby in some adorable outfits, get a nice white wall, and you’re basically good to go!

This simple and sweet idea of using flowers and petals from Abigail Gomen is just too cute! And it doesn’t take much! A blanket to serve as a backdrop, a flower, some petals (preferably from the same flower for color consistency and all that), and a cute little bonnet and some baby booties!

What I love about these photos from Yolanda Criado are the use of different props that go well together. From the brown carpet or rug and the brown wicker chair, to the cute brown stuffed toy and the brown numbers. Definitely color coordinated and cute! And hey, when you use the same props for each month, it really shows your baby’s growth through the photos. Don’t you think so?

Here’s another idea that focuses on the details. I love how Tonya Teran placed little details that were humorous and cute! (I mean, c’mon, I totally believe this cute tot is an expert raspberry blower!) If you like this concept, you can include details like weight, height, and whatever else you’ve noticed that they’ve started to like. Trust me, these details will definitely increase as your child gets older.

If you’ve got the time and effort like Mommy Fallon did, having a theme for each month (e.g. Christmas for December, Valentine’s for February, etc.), while still sticking to a wreath shape makes for some amazing and consistent photos. The thought and attention to detail is spot on, plus, adorable outfits never hurt either!