Hey moms! The holidays are just around the corner, so I’m pretty sure you’re already planning trips with your families! But let’s face it, traveling with a baby is pretty challenging, especially if you’re out of the country. So I asked my good friend, Kelly Misa-Fernandez, who recently traveled to Europe with baby Tristan, to share a few tips on what she learned! Read her fun and helpful advice below:
1. Research!
Visiting a new city can be fun and exciting, but not when you’re traveling with your little one. Babies thrive on routine and they get cranky when they don’t eat and nap on time, so be prepared. Know where to eat in advance and find out where the nearest baby changing rooms are. It will definitely save you time and will prevent a meltdown!
2. Always have a plan B.
Always have a back-up plan for everything. For example, I always bring a bottle of baby food in case my toddler doesn’t like the food we ordered for him.
3. Pack smart.
There’s no need to bring your entire house when you travel (paying excess baggage can be painful on your pocket)! If you’re staying at an Airbnb, make sure you have a washer or dryer so you don’t need to bring too many clothes. Also, buy diapers at the nearest grocery, but don’t bring them all. It’s difficult to go sightseeing while carrying plenty of stuff!
4. Make sure you bring your own stroller and baby carrier.
You will be busy exploring the sights, and throughout the day your baby will want to ride the stroller while you shop and walk around. So be sure you’re prepared! Go for a lightweight and sturdy stroller, so you won’t have a hard time pushing or carrying it around with you.
5. Choose the right clothes.
If you’re going to a cold country, invest in baby thermal underwear. My baby hated wearing jackets or anything with sleeves, and it was eight degrees! So we made sure he wore his thermals to keep him warm, and it worked! He didn’t get sick and it kept him warm all throughout our trip.
That’s it mommies! Do you have any other tips on traveling with a baby? Let us know! Comment down below, or message us on Facebook!