5 Kiddie Indoor Activities To Do While It’s Raining

Pitter-patter, what a bummer! Stuck indoors because of the gloomy weather? Been racking your brains for fun activities to keep the kids occupied? No need to feel bored this rainy season, because today, we’re sharing with you some awesome ideas to do at home with the whole gang! Listed below are five D.I.Y., gadget-free, and interactive activities that are guaranteed to brighten up your rainy days!

Camp indoors

Who says camping needs to be a summer-only activity? Clear out the living area and set up a cozy camping site for the whole family. If you have no tent, you can set up a teepee using blankets, or even make a pillow fort! And for the ultimate camping adventure, pop some S’mores in the oven to pair with a warm glass of milk. You can also turn it up a notch and create a miniature campfire with charcoal in a foil-lined terracotta pot–perfect for roasting mallows. This will surely be an unforgettable experience for the happy campers!


Do a fun scavenger hunt

Up your scavenger hunt game by making it more challenging, and at the same time educational! Why not teach the kids classification by assigning categories for their hunting checklist? Create a shape or color checklist for the little kids, and an adjective or spelling checklist for the older ones. The possibilities of learning are endless, and the best part is, you can work with things that are right inside your house!



Try a rainbow-themed baking session

They say there’s always a rainbow after the rain… but why wait? Add color to the gloomy weather by having a rainbow-themed baking session with the kids! Get creative with your desserts, and make M&M oatmeal cookies, colorful Jell-O cups, or cupcakes with lots of sprinkles! For a healthier option, you can also serve a rainbow fruit mix! Yum yum in the tum tum!


Indoor Olympics

For the more active kiddos, indoor games are a great idea to keep them from boredom! They can make their own mini bowling alley, or set up a skee ball alley with baskets. It’s sure to keep them moving all day and make them forget the gloomy weather! Don’t forget to prepare prizes for the winners!



Make a rainstick

The soothing sound of raindrops is one of the best lullabies. So why not help the kids create their own rainstick to remind them of the pitter-patter sound of rain? All you need is a cardboard tube (recycled from a roll of aluminum foil or cling wrap), a brown paper grocery bag, some rubber bands to cover each end, various craft materials to decorate the tube with, and an assortment of materials to fill the rainstick with, such as beads, rice, or pebbles. Older and younger kids alike will have fun mimicking the soothing sound of rain with their new rainsticks!


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